Precautions to Take to Keep Your Home Safe From Wildfires
9/8/2021 (Permalink)

While flooding is a major concern in the greater Boston area, there is also a risk of wildfire. While the risk may be lower in Massachusetts than in other parts of the country, it is still a risk, and wildfires by their very nature can cause great damage.
There are a number of steps you can take in advance to minimize the risk of a wildfire affecting your home and property. First and foremost, it’s important to simply be more careful when it comes to fire hazards.
But defensible space is another important protocol you can implement.
Create a Barrier of Protection Around Your Home
Creating a fire break around your home is recommended by most communities and its law in a few states. State and federal agencies have coined the term “defensible space.”
This essentially creates a buffer zone around your house that removes most, if not all, of the fuel available for a wildfire. Things like dead trees, broken-off tree limbs and gutters full of debris are all examples of the fuel that makes wildfires extra dangerous around a home.
Defensible space involves removing combustibles and incorporating nonflammable elements in landscaping, which creates a barrier around your home from the flames, embers or even heat from a wildfire. This is the best way to slow down or stop a wildfire.
States like California require defensible space by law and all homeowners must comply. In Massachusetts, it’s simply recommended.
The Rising Number of Wildfires
While California is a hot spot for wildfires, they happen in other parts of the country as well. Last year, we experienced over 59,000 wildfires.
Of the 59,000 wildfires, over 10,000 occurred in California! That still leaves each state in the union an average of 1,000 wildfires per month. Here in Massachusetts, we had 1,189 wildfires in 2020.
Creating defensible space is something tangible we can do in advance a wildfire, so it’s a great place to begin when it comes to protecting your home.
If your home is damaged by fire of any sort, wild or not, SERVPRO is ready and able to repair the damage caused. Get in touch today to get the pros on your team.